Quotes From "Jessica Rules The Dark Side" By Beth Fantaskey

Fear is the worst kind of grave, because it buries...
Fear is the worst kind of grave, because it buries one alive. Beth Fantaskey
(Honestly, Raniero, are we the only noble-born Vladescus who would know, for certain, that Bluetooth is not some dread, vampire-specific disorder involving lack of oxygen to the gums? I fear it is true.) Beth Fantaskey
Ranerio wrapped his hand around mine, guiding my fingers like Lucius had done when he'd shown me the latch behind the dressing-room door mirror. But while the warrior I loved had been offering me an escape route, the pacifist was trying to show me how to fight. Beth Fantaskey
It is strange how love is a source for power——can spur the desire to fight to the death, or to fight back from something that seems like death for long enough to write a coherent note——but also of weakness. Beth Fantaskey